Internal structures often make it so that one of the most difficult tasks for any international office to accomplish is production and dissemination of appropriate marketing content, including videos, social media and blog posts, targeted advertisements (including country or language-specific or other demographic/psychographic factors), and more. It can be a real godsend to leverage a third-party international marketing firm who is not just GOOD at what they do, but who is absolutely knowledgeable and compliant with FERPA, SEVIS, Department of Education, and accreditation standards.

At Lemon Tree we have a simple process for creating laser-targeted digital international student lead generation models tailored for your school’s unique value proposition and your programs core benefits (as they relate to your region-specific or other targeted audience). Our process is as follows:

  1. Pick a target: Through careful analysis of your most effective student recruitment efforts and the related programs you hope to push, we identify a key demographic and or language or regional target for your campaign(s).
  2. Pick a program: We analyze the market trends and highest probability for successful recruitment, and identify the most effective program(s) to push.
  3. Create content: Based on the target audience(s) and the chosen program(s), we draft multiple iterations of SEO-optimized content (including producing videos, writing articles, shooting and tagging well labeled photos, local search optimization, and more). We also develop ‘free gifts’, ‘info-media’, ‘assessments’, ‘short courses’ and other engagement tools to bring the appropriate audience to our robust content that we will have developed for you.
  4. Build a funnel: We build out engagement websites that are designed specifically to survey, qualify, and engage your target audience.
  5. Fill the funnel: The key to a successful funnel marketing campaign is getting traffic into your funnel. We utilize both Lemon Tree Innovative practices as well as the more common practices of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and social media advertisement management, as well as on-site and off-site search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.
    1. Lemon Tree’s innovative traffic and lead generation revolve around leveraging referral programs with students, alumni, associates, previous applicants, and former leads or prospects. Furthermore we may recommend accessing other possible lead sources including language test lists, or from foreign countries students who have inquired about CPT (or other distinctive) programs.
    2. Common Practices PPC/Social Media spend Organic SEO Lemon Tree Innovations Referral programs Re-targeting YOUR list Current students Alumni Prospects/Dead Leads Re-targeting other lists
  6. Manage the leads: As leads come through the funnel and the self-qualifying process, we engage and service the specific interests of the prospective students, inviting them to apply and enroll in your programs.